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Response to "Imminent attack"

In the fall of 2008 a sister was overcome with dread that an imminent attack was coming to America. She wrote "Something is imminent so we MUST pray to avert what is coming or to minimize its impact.”


A response I heard from the Lord:


What will it take to wake up the people? What must I allow in order to reach the people with hope through the ashes and joy through the tears? What is the ultimate "wake up” call for a nation founded on Biblical principles, the guiding of the Spirit and love of God, that now mocks, torments and persecutes those who know Me through the mass media, in circles of education and on the street corner. Are you really fearing an imminent attack? Do you fear for your lives or the lives of others? And what will the result of such an attack be?


After 9/11 flags were waving from car antennas and churches of all denominations were full. Fear and faith were both motivators for millions turning to Me. Then, as the days passed by, they forgot. Just as Biblical Israel would turn to Me and I would send a deliverer, or intercede with warring angels, I watched in deep sadness as they forgot their first love. So goes America. So goes the world. If birth pangs are going to be hitting this planet in closer and closer time tables, then it's time to focus on your top priority: bring the masses to Me. Teach them. Disciple them. When intercessors receive word of an imminent disaster they already groan and mourn in their spirits over the future dead and injured. The orphans. The homeless. The lost. I'm telling you these attacks will become ordinary — both by man and by the upheaval in the physical realms (earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.).


Intercede, yes! But pray you'll be at the right place at the right time, for although you will not stop these catastrophes by your prayers, you can certainly be used to great, eternal advantage as I wake up the lost and direct them to your light. Isn't that what you are? Lights on a hill? Stop hiding in your closets out of fear or self-appointed piety. Get out! Move out! Lay hands on the sick! Raise the dead! Heal the blind! Restore hearing to the deaf! Watch the limbs grow, the cancer fall away, whole bodies become rejuvenated! THIS is the age of miracles! Stay close to Me, cling to My Word and allow My Spirit to guide, teach and lead you. These are great days! Days of reaping and harvest! Days which will spread My glory!


In Messiah


Robert A. Friedman

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