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Pastor Robert A. Friedman


In the 1980's a friend was driving me back to my office on Santa Monica Blvd. in West L.A. The entire area was commercial, including the street we were on, as we approached the main boulevard. We were chatting about nothing in particular when I looked to my right and, a few shops down from S.M. Blvd., I saw a dry cleaning store. Suddenly, with my eyes wide open, I saw several troops, heavily armed, moving in and out of the shop, which was now a make-shift armory.


I looked straight ahead and on the main boulevard several tanks and armored personnel carriers were moving very slowly, accompanied by more armed soldiers. I knew in my spirit the entire greater Los Angeles area was under martial law — and perhaps beyond this. When I mentioned this vision to a friend, she relayed a vision she had had of troops running along the hills of Ventura County (next to Los Angeles County).


When I ponder this vision today I believe martial law may be enjoined for any one of a number of reasons, including a giant natural disaster (massive quake), crippling terrorist activity or even a dictate of the federal government stating martial law is necessary for our “national security” and to quell riots in major cities.

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