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         HE WHO                   RESTRAINS...

He who restrains will restrain no longer in the way He has since the beginning of time. Watch. See. Be alert. No longer will the criminal think of consequences, nor the murderer of being caught, nor will the corporate executive ripping off the consumer feel any pangs of remorse. Crime will increase in areas it has never appeared before. Towns with one murder each decade will see several. Gangs will continue to multiply and grow and soon begin to infiltrate law enforcement and political ranks with their payoffs to a degree never before seen. Not only will these visible manifestations of an increase in lawlessness appear, but as the One who restrains begins to influence the general world less and less the mind set of those on the planet will continue to stray from thoughts of God. In other words, not only will actions be restrained less, so will the inner   consciousness God has placed within each human soul — to seek and to search and to find their Creator and a reason for being. The times they are a changin'.


NOTE: The Holy Spirit Himself has always been a "restrainer" on earth. Today, in these end times, He will restrain less and less - taking occupancy more and more only in true believers. This will create a polarizing, manifest, easily seen chasm between those who know God and those who despise Him. Finally the Spirit will restrain no longer and when the last believer of this age is sealed by the Spirit the Rapture will immediately take place. Cf 2 Kings 4:6

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