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In addition I’ve posted words I’ve received from the Lord, visions, prophetic insight, etc. etc. etc. Many of these were received years, sometimes decades, ago. In the late 1960’s, early 1970’s, I studied eschatology with a learned pastor. I was so positive “the end” would come very quickly.
We’re so much closer now. In the last few years changes in the U.S. and the world are almost unbelievable, with the “end times” being prepared. This time I’m certain. When I received the Lord in 1969 He immediately spoke to me. He said “Reach the people through the media, so if they’re seeking God they’ll find God, and if not they’ll just be entertained.” Hence my books, screenplays, stage plays, et al.
At the same time He said as we approach the end of this age two groups will be severely persecuted: born-again believers (as opposed to those who simply identify themselves as such) and we Jews (both those who have identified our promised Messiah, and those who have not). For example, are you aware of what’s happening on our college campuses? Don’t ask . . .
This site allows you to e-mail me if you’d like, so don’t be shy. If you know the Lord then you’re blessed! If not then take note of what the Lord said through Jeremiah: “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” Jer 29:13 Baruch haShem!